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Erased: Chapter 5 and 6

Erased, a novel

Chapter 5- Clouds On the Move
"Present Time"

Mr. Wells- Something happens after nineteen days of homelessness.  Perhaps the nineteenth day gets a clear view of the twenty-first waiting on the horizon, and everything starts to look static.  I'd taken all the steps to make my life a good one; something a man could be proud of, but maybe I'd step on someone's toe in my sleep walking.  I hadn't t considered myself a sleeper, yet I'd ended up here without any real distinct notice.  I didn't hate it. In fact hate was a word I disposed of early in my life. If there was a second golden rule, not using the word hate was definitely it.  Well, that's how it was taught to me.  I didn't force it down anyone's throat, but I took my fill.  Anyway, it's hard to see my life some days, and I eventually just started looking at the clouds.  At first I thought they were standing still, but I was just staring.  Once I relaxed my eyes a bit I found my head moving, and If I look long enough I can even make a u-turn.  Now I know for myself that the world is round.  Like I said, I don't hate it... it's just.  I didn't think thirty years could fall apart so quickly.  I'm starting to put some of the pieces to how I got here together, but for now I just keep it all to myself.  In the Meantime, I find peace in watching those who's found peace out here.  There's a lot to admire from a distance, but if you get to close you begin to feel the load.  I think I got one solid friend however.  I'm using the word friend loosely of course.  It's the only way I can use it in this late afternoon of my life.  But it's a freeing thought sometimes.  One I can appreciate.  Anyway, we usually divide the paper.  Any paper.  We just love to read. Then we just toss our take aways around.  It's like playing ball, and hours evaporate.  I must say, it's not a bad way to stay alive.  Debating issues that are above you, and sitting on the ones beneath you.  That's mostly in the evenings though.  During the day, I find my way alone.  If that's a real thing.  You see, nature has always been my companion.  It didn't take me getting to here to figure that out.  As a kid, I stay outdoors and almost everyday I brought some living thing home.  Now I know better than to try to cage the living, but it was fun back then.  Now the fun is celebrating with nature.  Just look at it sometimes, and you'll see how much it smiles.

Chapter 6- Still Migrating

Reece- My whole existence has rested on my ability to migrate.  I've traveled so far that it's even hard for me to identify some of the past places I've lived in.  I mean they'd fallen off the map completely.  I didn't speak about them, and as long as I kept migrating, they couldn't speak about me.  At least that's how I'd come to think for quite a few years, until I was diagnosed HIV positive.  Now, I sometimes feel as though I was making my return.  Nevertheless, it's not the kind of thing I wear as a throw over.  It more like my undergarments, you know.  It's personal, and I honestly thought it would always be that way, but I ended up telling him.  It wasn't some brave and highly moral act on my part.  As a matter of fact he almost killed me that night.  It was just really bad timing.  It wasn't my fault.  We'd been just fine the way we were; always protected, but then he wanted more.  How was I suppose to know we were on that road.  I mean we weren't exclusive or anything, just really reliable company.  And because I was usually always just company, I didn't know how ugly he could be.  Really, I didn't have to tell him.  I could have just migrated my way out of it. But I did care about him.  I still do, and although he's never hit me again, it wasn't long after that night that he asked me to work for him.  And it's no cheap work.  These are top level assignments. Most girls from where I'm from dream of this life whether they know it or not.  Just like I didn't dream it, but most days it's a total dream.  A quick trip here, and a quick trip there.  And given the nature of the beast I carry, it's a pretty smooth road.

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Erased, a novel

Copyright 2018 by Natisha Renee Williams, All Rights Reserved

Grace Call Communications, LLC Copyright 2018


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